Nitro Games Oyj: Nitro Games publishes outcome of rights issue - receives approximately EUR 3.9 million


Through the Rights issue, the Company will receive gross proceeds of approximately EUR 3.9 million. The number of shares will increase by 11,612,792 shares, from 12,903,102 shares to 24,515,894 shares, which implies a dilution effect of approximately 47.4 per cent of the shares and votes. After the new shares have been registered at the Finnish Trade Register, indicatively during week 32, 2023, paid subscribed shares (BTA) will be combined with existing shares.

Allocation of shares subscribed without subscription rights has been carried out in accordance with the allocation principles stated in the prospectus, which has been prepared in connection with the Rights issue and was published on 5 July 2023. Notice of allocation of shares subscribed without subscription rights is expected to be sent to those allotted shares today, 1 August 2023. Shareholders with a share deposit will receive notification of allocation and payment in accordance with respective custodians’ routines.

Due to the Rights issue, the Board of Directors of Nitro Games has, in accordance with the terms outlined in the convertible loan agreement with Nordisk Games A/S and the terms and conditions of the special rights relating thereto, amended the terms and conditions of the said special rights so that the number of special rights has been increased from 1,113,586 to 2,000,139.  Each special right entitles to subscription of one new share in the Company at a subscription price of EUR 1.80 per share.


Augment Partners AB is acting as the financial advisor and Smartius Oy is acting as the legal advisor in the transaction.

Datum 2023-08-01, kl 14:25
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