Nitro Games has resolved on a directed issue of shares to underwriters in connection with the concluded rights issue


In connection with the Rights issue, it was communicated that the Rights issue was secured to 60.0 per cent, corresponding to approximately SEK 46.5 million, of which approximately SEK 29.0 million had been secured through underwriting commitments. In accordance with the underwriting agreements, the underwriting commitments entitled the underwriters to an underwriting fee amounting to ten (10) per cent in cash, or alternatively, fourteen (14) per cent in the form of new shares in the Company. Twelve out of the 28 underwriters have requested to obtain their remuneration in the form of shares in the Company. Due to this, the Board of Directors of Nitro Games has today resolved on a Directed issue of 408,470 shares, corresponding to approximately SEK 1.7 million, to said underwriters. The reason for deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right is to fulfil the Company's obligations towards the underwriters because of the underwriting agreements. Payment in the Directed issue should be made by offsetting the underwriters' claim for underwriting remuneration.

As a result of the Directed issue, the number of shares in Nitro Games will increase by 408,470 shares, from 24,515,894 shares after the conclusion of the Rights issue to 24,924,364 shares. This implies an incremental dilution of approximately 1.6 per cent for existing shareholders after the conclusion of the Rights issue.

Datum 2023-08-09, kl 08:00
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