Ekobot and Väderstad initiate collaboration


Ekobot AB (publ) and Väderstad AB are entering into a collaboration with the aim of developing a real-time system to evaluate the performance of a seed drill using vision technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

Väderstad is a world-leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery specializing in seeding technology and soil cultivation, where seeding is carried out with high speed and precision.

Ekobot is developing robot technology that autonomously removes weeds in row-planted vegetables. The core technology comprises a vision system that, with the help of AI, efficiently distinguishes between crops and weeds, and collects extensive amounts of data.

Väderstad is interested in utilizing Ekobot's vision and AI system to evaluate the performance of a seed drill and has thus chosen to initiate collaboration.

This collaboration is evidence that our expertise in vision technology and AI is at the forefront of technology. Our knowledge and technology can be applied in various ways to enhance existing solutions for agriculture, with the goal of optimizing field operations, says Tomas Täuber, CTO at Ekobot.

The collaboration follows a pitch day held in September 2023, organized by IndX, a global innovation hub within Linköping Science Park.

We eagerly anticipate the results of this initial project. There is significant potential in leveraging modern technology to further improve our world-leading machines, says Johan von Mecklenburg, Senior Vice President Research & Development at Väderstad.

The project commences now and is scheduled for completion by September 2024.

For more information about Väderstad: Väderstad International

Datum 2024-01-30, kl 08:20
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