Contribution from the Swedish Board of Agriculture has been disbursed.

Ekobot, autonomous agricultural robot project, has been financed through the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The project has been completed, and the remaining contribution of 1.73 million SEK has now been disbursed.

The project concluded during the autumn of 2023, when Ekobot also submitted the final report. Funding was provided through the Swedish Board of Agriculture's Rural development program 2014–2022 and the EU Commission's EIP-AGRI program. The project support was approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture in November 2017, with a total contribution of 9.2 million SEK.

The project is now fully approved, and the Swedish Board of Agriculture has disbursed the remaining portion of the contribution, amounting to 1.73 million SEK. All project costs have already been incurred, so the disbursement provides a direct strengthening of the company's cash position.

Datum 2024-02-12, kl 10:08
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