Bulletin from extraordinary general meeting of EKOBOT AB (publ) on 21 May 2024


The extraordinary general meeting of EKOBOT AB (publ) (the "Company") took place today, 21 May 2024 at Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå’s premises at Sveavägen 20, Stockholm. The following main decisions were made with the required majority.

Resolution on asset transfer and authorisation to the Board to finalise asset transfer agreements

The Meeting resolved to approve the proposal of the Board of Directors to approve the transaction between the Company and HH Agriculture Investments B.V. regarding an asset transfer of the Company's existing business to HH Agriculture Investments B.V. and to authorise the Board of Directors, or the person appointed by the Board of Directors, to finalise the terms of the transaction and to enter into a final asset transfer agreement for the transaction.

Datum 2024-05-21, kl 09:50
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