SSEKE signs agreements with E.ON worth a total of SEK 245 million

Netel's subsidiary SEKE has signed agreements with E.ON Energidistribution for the construction and rebuilding of transformer stations in Sweden. The agreements are valued at approximately SEK 245 million in total with a production time of about two years.

The agreements cover four transformer stations and one is to be completed in the third quarter of 2025 and three in the first quarter of 2026.

"We are proud of the trust E.ON shows us and our long-term relationship," says Jeanette Reuterskiöld, President and CEO of Netel. "We have a leading position in the power market, which is growing, driven by the electrification and the transition to an emission-free society."

E.ON Energidistribution is part of the international energy group E.ON SE with headquarters in Essen, Germany.

Datum 2023-12-22, kl 08:00
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