Nelly Group informs that Rite Ventures has passed the threshold for a mandatory offer


Nelly Group AB (publ) ("Nelly") notes that its main owner Rite Internet Ventures Holding AB (through its wholly owned subsidiary Rite Ventures SPV AB) ("Rite Ventures") today has announced that it has acquired shares in Nelly entailing that Rite Ventures thereafter owns a total of 9,179,571 shares in Nelly, corresponding to 30.11 percent of the shares and votes. Thereby, the threshold for a mandatory offer in accordance with the Swedish Takeovers Act has been passed. Accordingly, Rite Ventures will within four weeks either make a mandatory offer for the remaining shares in Nelly or divest shares to such an extent that Rite Ventures' shareholding thereafter falls below 30 percent of the votes in Nelly again. Over the past six months, Rite Ventures has acquired shares in Nelly at a maximum price of SEK 17.00 per share.

For further information, refer to Rite Ventures' press release (in Swedish),

Datum 2024-04-26, kl 20:15
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