NCC to construct swim center in Vantaa

Illustration: Siren Arkkitehdit Oy

The swim center will be one of the largest swim centers in the country and is the first project to be built in the Elmo Sport Park. The swim center will cover an area of approximately 9,400 square meters and feature seven different pools; a 50-meter pool with 10 lanes, therapy pool, teaching pool, diving pool, paddling pool, children’s pool and a cold pool. The assignment also includes the construction of a gym and exercise room.

The construction of swim centers requires specialist expertise and this is one of NCC’s prioritized segments. NCC has built a large number of swim centers across the Nordic region, which has given the company a deep understanding of swim center projects with different prerequisites and objectives.

“Swim centers are demanding wet room contracts and based on our solid experience, we will construct a facility that matches the city’s budget, has a long service life and is efficient to operate over time. We look forward to realizing the City of Vantaa’s vision and this major investment in sports, which will start with the construction of this swim center,” says Catarina Molén-Runnäs, Head of NCC Building Nordics.

The swim center will be energy efficient. Solar panels will be installed of the roof and heat from the pool and showers will be recirculated. Part of the building will also have a ‘green roof’.

Construction will begin during summer 2024 and the project is expected to be completed in 2026.

The order value of the construction contract is SEK 460 million and the order will be registered in the NCC Building Nordics business area in the second quarter of 2024.

Datum 2024-05-28, kl 07:30
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