Newsletter: The Production of NLAB Saga® Stabilizes

Nanologica has now approved a number of normal-sized batches from the large-scale production of the company's silica for preparative chromatography, NLAB Saga®.

Scaling up to large-scale production of silica at the contract manufacturer Sterling Pharma Solutions has been fraught with several challenges such as loss of material, which has previously been communicated. Although a couple of challenges remain, the company has now for the first time completed several large production batches in a row, which means that a stock of certain products has been built up.
It is very pleasing that our large-scale silica production facility is now delivering significantly larger volumes than before. This does not mean that production is optimized. There is still a lot of work to be done, for example, to further increase yield in certain steps and to improve the production economy. However, having a stock is very important. It means that we are now confident in being able to deliver, which means that we can drive sales harder”, CEO Andreas Bhagwani comments.

Datum 2024-06-18, kl 09:10
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