Nanologica Receives Order on NLAB Saga® Valued at approx SEK 1,9 Million from Returning Customer in China


Nanologica has received another order for the company's silica-based purification media NLAB Saga® from a returning customer in China.

This is the fourth order since June from this customer who uses NLAB Saga® in the production of a GLP-1 analogue.
"The fact that this customer is now placing another order for NLAB Saga® confirms once again that our product is of high quality and competitive. We will now continue to work closely with them and build on the good relationship we have created. During our recent trip to China, we got clear indications that the need for silica is probably even greater than we have estimated. Our main focus in the near future will therefore be on the Chinese market, where we are now starting to gain some foothold," CEO Andreas Bhagwani comments.

Datum 2024-12-03, kl 15:37
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