Nanologica Delivers NLAB SIV™ to a Customer in Asia to a Value of over MSEK 4

Nanologica has made the first delivery of the company's non-silica-based purification media NLAB Siv™ to a customer in Asia against an order received in November. The value amounts to over MSEK 4.
NLAB Siv™ is a non-silica-based purification media that has been developed together with a customer who sells a number of pharmaceutical products. NLAB Siv™ is used for purification through preparative chromatography and the customer has expressed a desire to replace the purification media they currently use in the production of one of their drugs. Manufacturing of NLAB Siv™ takes place at a manufacturing partner in Europe. Development has been carried out with the customer for several years and evaluation of smaller quantities has been made during this period.
The customer will now evaluate NLAB Siv™ in full production. It is not unlikely that further product development may be needed, but if the evaluation is successful we expect that our product will gradually replace the product they use today, which they are keen to replace”, Nanologica’s CEO Andreas Bhagwani comments.

Nanologica's main focus will continue to be silica-based products for preparative chromatography, but the company will continuously evaluate additional potential products in chromatography in order to expand the offering to customers and increase the company's addressable market.

Datum 2024-02-12, kl 13:07
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