Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting in Nanexa AB (publ)


The Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025 in Nanexa AB (publ) has been appointed.

The members of the Nomination Committee are:

  • Marlon Värnik, Exelity
  • Jonas Pålsson
  • Göran Ando, Chairman of the Board, adjunct

The Nomination Committee's proposals will be presented in the notice to the 2025 Annual General Meeting and on the company's website,

Shareholders may contact the Nomination Committee with suggestions regarding its work by sending e-mail to (heading "Nanexa's Nomination Committee") or by letter to: Nanexa AB, Attn: Nanexa's Nomination Committee, Virdings Allé 2, SE-754 50, Uppsala, Sweden.

The Annual General Meeting will be held in Uppsala on 15 May 2025.

Datum 2025-02-14, kl 13:50
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