Nanexa appoints new Chief Financial Officer


Nanexa AB (publ) today announces that Cecilia Danckwardt-Lillieström will take over as Chief Financial Officer as of September 1, 2024, as the current CFO Björn Svanström has chosen to leave the company.

Cecilia has extensive experience from similar positions in the Life Science sector as well as senior roles in accounting and auditing. Cecilia holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from Uppsala University.

"I welcome Cecilia to Nanexa and I am convinced that her expertise will contribute significantly to Nanexa's development and growth," says David Westberg, CEO of Nanexa. "I would also like to thank Björn Svanström for his excellent efforts during his time at Nanexa."

Datum 2024-06-28, kl 10:00
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