Munters Data Center Technologies wins order for cooling distribution units

The data center segment is one of Munters prioritized growth areas, and its leading technology is well suited to the demanding and fast changing requirements in the datacenter industry. As processing units grow more powerful to handle increasingly complex workloads, servers generate more heat to be managed efficiently. Liquid cooling allows data centers to manage these rising temperatures more effectively than traditional air cooling. CDUs are critical in this process, regulating the flow and temperature of cooling liquids to ensure efficient heat transfer away from the equipment.  

“Digitalization is growing the demand for data centers and we are excited to be at the forefront of designing and delivering innovative solutions for liquid cooling servers. The LCX system allows us to deliver cutting-edge, scalable solutions that help our customers to meet the evolving demands of the data center industry with confidence, efficiency and speed " says Stefan Aspman, President Data Center Technologies and Group Vice President of Munters. 


For more information: 

Line Dovärn, Director, Investor Relations
E-mail:, Phone: +46 (0)73 048 844


Susann Johnsson, GVP Communications and Brand, Phone: +46 (0)70623 1474

Datum 2024-11-07, kl 09:00
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