Modern Times Group
MTG's Annual General Meeting 2024
The resolutions passed at MTG's AGM 2024 included the following.
The Board
The AGM resolved to re-elect Chris Carvalho, Simon Duffy, Gerhard Florin, Simon Leung, Florian Schuhbauer, Liia Nõu and Susanne Maas as Board members. Further, the AGM re-elected Simon Duffy as Chairman of the Board.
Adoption of Balance Sheets and Income Statements, and resolution regarding treatment of MTG's result
The AGM adopted the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet as well as the consolidated Income Statement and the consolidated Balance Sheet, and resolved that MTG's retained earnings, the share premium reserve and the result for the year are to be carried forward. Further, the AGM resolved to discharge the Board and the Chief Executive Officer from liability for the financial year 2023.
Incentive plan for 2024
The AGM resolved to adopt an incentive plan for 2024, and to approve that the company enters into a swap agreement with a third party in order to secure delivery of shares to the participants of the program. The AGM resolved to reject the board's proposals under agenda items 21 (b)-(d), which were proposed to enable delivery of Class B shares held in treasury to the participants.
Other resolutions
The AGM also resolved:
- to approve remuneration to the Board and Auditor. A portion of the remuneration for the work in the Board is made conditional upon being invested in MTG shares.
- to elect Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as new Auditor until the end of the 2025 Annual General Meeting. Nicklas Kullberg will be appointed as auditor-in-charge.
- to approve a new procedure of the Nomination Committee.
- to adopt new guidelines for remuneration to the senior executives and to approve the Board's Remuneration Report for 2023.
- to authorise the Board to resolve on repurchases and transfers of own shares.
- to reduce the share capital of the company by way of cancellation of repurchased own Class B during the periods between 4 September och 31 December 2023 as well as between 27 April and 8 May 2023.
- to authorise the Board to resolve on new issues of Class B shares.
Datum | 2024-05-16, kl 10:15 |
Källa | Cision |