Year-end report 2023 – HAKI Safety AB (publ)


“Good end to the year with improved profitability and strong cashflow”
Sverker Lindberg, President and CEO

Fourth quarter 2023

  • Net sales increased 4 percent to SEK 271 M (261). Organic growth was 3 percent.
  • EBITA increased SEK 30 M to SEK 15 M (-15). Restructuring costs had a negative effect on the result by SEK -5 M (-11).
  • Operating profit increased SEK 19 M to SEK 19 M (0). Revaluation of earnouts and write-downs of acquisition-related assets had a net effect on the result by SEK 7 M (18).
  • Net result after tax was SEK 7 M (-10).
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 71 M (-16).
  • Earnings per share before dilution was SEK 0.26 (-0.37) and after dilution SEK 0.25 (-0.36).
  • The group was renamed HAKI Safety in December 2023.
  • Earnout for the acquisition of Novakorp Systems was renegotiated with a reduction of the maximum amount to EUR 5 M (7) and with an extended earning period.
  • FAS Converting Machinery was divested on January 24, 2024.

January – December 2023

  • Net sales increased 2 percent to SEK 1,188 M (1,168). Organic net sales reduction was 12 percent.
  • EBITA increased SEK 6 M to SEK 90 M (84).
  • Operating profit decreased SEK 3 M to SEK 99 M (102).
  • Net result after tax was SEK 62 M (71).
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 153 M (-53).
  • Earnings per share before dilution was SEK 2.27 (2.60) and after dilution SEK 2.24 (2.57).


  • The Board of Directors proposes the Annual General Meeting a dividend of SEK 0.90 per share (0.80).

Financial summary2023
Net sales2712611,1881,168
Gross profit9074397362
Operating profit19099102
Profit before tax10-117892
Net result7-106271

Net sales, growth %3.810.61.735.3
Gross margin, %33.228.433.431.0
EBITA, %5.5-
Operating margin, %
Earnings per share, before dilution, SEK0.26-0.372.272.60
Earnings per share, after dilution, SEK0.25-0.362.242.57
Cash flow operating activities, SEK71-16153-53
Net debt, SEK M376406376406
Solidity, %48424842

This is a translation of the company’s Interim Report in Swedish.

Datum 2024-02-07, kl 07:30
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