Press release from Midway Holding AB’s 2023 Extraordinary General Meeting


Midway Holding AB (publ) has held an Extraordinary General Meeting today, December 12, 2023.

The Meeting resolved, following the Board's proposal, to change the company's company name from Midway Holding Aktiebolag to HAKI Safety AB by amending the company's articles of association. The name change aims to clarify the company's strategy change, from a conglomerate to today's industrial group, focusing on safety products and solutions that create safe working conditions at temporary workplaces.

The new company name will be registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office as soon as possible and is expected to enter into force during December 2023. Until then, the company will use the current company name Midway Holding Aktiebolag. When changing names, the share's ticker (short name) at Nasdaq Stockholm will change from “MIDW A” and “MIDW B” to “HAKI A” and “HAKI B”.

Midway will inform via a press release when these events have occurred.

Datum 2023-12-12, kl 15:30
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