Interim Report Q3, July - September 2023


CEO comments
After just under a month with MSAB, I can state that the Q3 result is strong, and that the company is financially stable. MSAB is an exciting company with an important task in society - to provide law enforcement agencies and organizations with digital, innovative, and customized forensic products.

I have already identified several strong assets in MSAB when it comes to innovation, technical competence, and customer satisfaction. I have also started to see strategic opportunities for MSAB. There is also potential to strengthen operations and to better adapt our business models to the market requirements. This includes, what products we sell in certain markets and to which customer, as well as how we measure, follow up financially, and organize ourselves to achieve increased efficiency. We have a stable position in the market but have not developed at the same rate as our competitors in recent years, breaking that trend is an important priority for me. My ambition is to combine a stronger business focus with better use of the company’s full potential, so that the results will become visible in the long run. 

I also want MSAB’s reporting to the capital market to improve, making it easier for our stakeholders to understand what they can expect of us as a company. This report is the starting point, and my ambition is to be able to report on the status of change on our journey, with greater clarity, already in our Q4 report.

Stockholm, October 2023

Peter Heuman

The information in this report is such that MSAB, Corporate ID number 556244-3050, is required to disclose in accordance with the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation. The information in this report was submitted for publication on October 26, 2023, at 08:00 CEST.

Datum 2023-10-26, kl 08:00
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