Abilia acquires Kompany AS and the product Komp

Abilia, a subsidiary to MedCap AB (publ) and part of Business Area Assistive Tech, has signed an agreement to acquire the company Kompany AS in Norway. The acquisition broadens Abilia's offering within welfare technology for communication and social interaction.

Kompany AS, which is a carve-out from No Isolation AS, offers the product Komp to assist in social interaction and reduce elderly's involuntary isolation. Sales amounted to approx. 20 mNOK in 2023.

Abilia has today paid 20 mNOK at closing of the transaction. The acquisition is expected to have a marginally positive impact on MedCap's full year earnings.

Tove Christiansson, Head of Business Area Assistive Tech and CEO of Abilia comments the acquisition:" The acquisition of the product Komp broadens Abilia's portfolio and is in line with the strategy to build on Abilia's strong position within assistive products and welfare technology."

Datum 2024-03-25, kl 15:45
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