Maven Wireless Sweden

Maven Wireless wins order for hospital coverage worth circa SEK 15m

Maven Wireless partner MIC Nordic, which specialises in the integration of coverage solutions in buildings, has secured another project for coverage in hospitals. Maven Wireless' unique DAS (Distributed Antenna System) products will be used which can distribute both blue light radio and mobile telephony in the same system which is important for this vertical. Deliveries and invoicing start in March and continue until quarter 3.

"I am happy to be able to deliver an optimised system for hospitals that delivers mobile telephony including 5G for all user in the building, as well as both the current radiosystem and the blue light radio system of the future in the same compact and space-efficient solution. Furthermore, there is a potential to grow further with the same products for other hospitals in Europe" says Fredrik Ekström, CEO of Maven Wireless.

"With Maven Wireless equipment together with MIC's expertise, we build robust networks with high quality for both large and small hospital facilities", says Henrik Huss, CEO of MIC Nordic.

Datum 2025-01-16, kl 15:27
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