Nomination committee at MAG Interactive AB (publ) for the Annual General Meeting 2025

Stockholm, Sweden - 27 June, 2024 - As per April 30th the largest shareholders in MAG Interactive AB (publ) were CEO Daniel Hasselberg (through NMO Invest AB) and the following four parties were Kaj Nygren (through Playful Days AB), Avanza Pension, Swedbank Robur Fonder and Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB.

The nomination committee for the MAG Interactive AB (publ) Annual General Meeting 2025:

Joachim Spetz - representing Swedbank Robur Fonder
Kaj Nygren - representing NMO Invest AB and Playful Days AB 
Johan Persson - representing himself, Fredrik Stenh and Anders Larsson
Adjunct: Jonas Eriksson, Chairman of the board at MAG Interactive AB

The Annual General Meeting 2025 will be held on the 22 January 2025 in Stockholm.

Contact person at the nomination committee is Kaj Nygren,

Datum 2024-06-27, kl 08:00
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