Lundbergs Interim Report January - June 2023

  • On June 30, 2023, net asset value after deferred tax amounted to SEK 125.6 billion (SEK 507 per share), compared with SEK 119.9 billion (SEK 484 per share) on December 31, 2022. The corresponding values on August 25, 2023 were SEK 119.5 billion (SEK 482 per share).
  • Consolidated net sales amounted to SEK 15,279 m. (14,851).
  • Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 4,967 m. (1,299) where earnings from participations in associated companies and joint ventures amounted to SEK 3,267 m. (-4,406). Profit after financial items excluding unrealized changes in value amounted to SEK 7,793 m. (925).
  • Profit after taxes amounted to SEK 4,635 m. (183) of which non-controlling interests accounted for SEK 768 m. (2,462).
  • Earnings per share attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders totaled SEK 15.59 (-9.19).

Lars Johansson, Chief Financial Officer
Fredrik Lundberg, Chief Executive Officer

This information is such information that L E Lundbergföretagen AB (publ) is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was published by the aforementioned CFO on August 29, 2023 at 14:30 CET.

Datum 2023-08-29, kl 14:30
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