The Board of Loomis has resolved to continue to repurchase shares


The Board of Directors of Loomis AB has resolved to repurchase shares by virtue of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2024.

The repurchase may commence on July 25, 2024, end not later than on September 27, 2024, and comprise an amount up to a maximum of SEK 200 million. Repurchase shall be made on Nasdaq Stockholm, on one or more occasions, at a price within the prevailing price interval registered at each point in time (being the interval between the highest buying price and the lowest selling price). Payment for repurchased shares shall be made in cash. Danske Bank A/S, Danmark, Sverige Filial will administrate the repurchase and based on the trading order given by Loomis, take trading decisions independently of Loomis with regards to the timing of the acquisitions.

Reporting will be made via the stock exchange in accordance with applicable rules.

The repurchase is made for the purposes set forth in the general meeting's authorization.

The company's current holding of own shares amounts to 1,331,453. The total number of shares in Loomis, including the company's own shares, amounts to 71,000,000.

This press release is also available on the company's website,


For more information, please contact:

Jenny Boström

Head of Sustainability and IR

+46 79 006 45 92



Loomis offers secure and effective comprehensive solutions for managing payments, including the distribution, handling, storage and recycling of cash and other valuables. Loomis' customers are mainly financial institutions and retailers.  Loomis operates through an international network of around 400 branches in more than 20 countries. Loomis employs around 25,000 people and had revenue in 2023 of more than SEK 28 billion. Loomis is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large-Cap list.

Datum 2024-07-23, kl 18:15
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