Report from Logistea AB’s Extraordinary General Meeting on 14 July 2023


Today, on Friday 14 July 2023, Logistea AB held an Extraordinary General Meeting with the shareholders and the following resolutions were adopted.

Determination of the number of directors of the board
The general meeting resolved that the board of directors, for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, shall consist of six (6) board members with no deputy board members.

Election of a new director of the board
For the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, the general meeting resolved to elect Erik Dansbo as new member of the board of directors. Following the resolution, the board of directors consist of Patrik Tillman (chairman), Sanja Batljan, Erik Dansbo, Jonas Grandér, Stefan Hansson and Anneli Lindblom.

Determination of remuneration to the new director of the board
The general meeting resolved that remuneration to Erik Dansbo shall be paid by SEK 160,000 for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, i.e., the same amount that was resolved to be paid to each of the board members at the Annual General Meeting 2023.

Datum 2023-07-14, kl 10:30
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