LMK Group issues trading update for Q2 2023


LMK Group, a leading Scandinavian supplier of meal kits and a leader in Scandinavian foodtech, today issues a trading update for the second quarter 2023.

Full results for the period are scheduled to be announced on 22 August 2023. The Group is regularly issuing quarterly trading updates prior to releasing its interim results, in order to provide continuous timely information to the market.

- Net sales for Q2 2023 amounted to MSEK 230.5 (267.6 Q2 2022).
- Active customers for the period were 64.6 thousand (79.8 Q2 2022).

In connection with publishing its Q2 results on 22 August, LMK Group will invite investors, analysts and the media to a conference call and webcast with Q&A on the same day.

Datum 2023-07-07, kl 07:45
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