Invitation to Cheffelo Capital Markets Event 2023

Cheffelo (LMK Group) welcomes analysts, investors and the media to attend a Capital Markets Event that will be held online on November 14, 2023, 08:30 CET.

During the event, CEO Walker Kinman and other senior managers of the company will provide updates on the mealkit market, on the Company’s strategies as well as providing insights into how the company aims to deliver profitable growth. Attendees will gain further insight into the mealkit business model dynamics and how Cheffelo has achieved operational excellence through efficient and innovative tech, procurement, production, and logistics solutions.

The event will be moderated by Paulina Modlitba, tech and innovation consultant and investor.

The program will start at 8:30, conclude with a live Q&A with the opportunity to ask questions to the Management Team, and is estimated to end no later than 11:00. No pre-registration is needed to attend the event. The event will be held in English and will be streamed here:

Datum 2023-10-12, kl 07:45
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