Cheffelo issues trading update for Q1 2024


Cheffelo, a leading Scandinavian supplier of meal kits and a leader in Scandinavian foodtech, today issues a trading update for the first quarter of 2024. Full results for the period are scheduled to be announced on 7 May 2024.

Net sales for Q1 2024 amounted to MSEK 288.7 (287.8 Q1 2023), an increase of 0.3% versus last year. Adjusted for exchange rate differences, that equals a growth of 2.1%. The growth in the first quarter versus last year was negatively affected by Easter, which occurred in the second quarter last year. Excluding the Easter week, the growth was 4.3% in local currency.

Active customers for the period were 81.5 thousand (83.6 Q1 2023).

Cheffelo will invite investors, analysts and the media to a webcast with Q&A, which will take place on the day the Q1 results are published.

Datum 2024-04-08, kl 07:45
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