Lifco issues two bond loans of in total SEK 1,000 million


Lifco has issued two unsecured bond loans with a tenor of two years within its MTN program (Medium Term Notes).

The bond loans amounted to SEK 1,000 million, with the first bond loan of SEK 800 million carrying a quarterly floating rate and the second bond loan of SEK 200 million carrying an annual fixed rate. The bond loans were issued at a margin of 0.93% against three months STIBOR and the 2-year mid-swap rate, respectively. The bond generated strong investor interest.

The proceeds from the bond issues will be used for general corporate purposes, including refinancing of existing loans. Lifco intends to list the new bonds on the corporate bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm.

Danske Bank and SEB acted as lead banks for the issuance.

Datum 2024-02-22, kl 08:25
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