LIDDS appoints Mats Wiking as new CEO


GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – The Board of Directors appoints Mats Wiking as new CEO and CFO from 1 September 2024.

Mats Wiking has long financial experience as finance director, controller and business developer from both small and medium sized companies and has the last few years mainly been working with company transactions.

“LIDDS’ operations have changed significantly the last year and Mats is the right person to lead the company going forward” says Daniel Lifveredson, Chairman of LIDDS’ Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and I would like to thank Jenni for her commitment and efforts during the years she has worked for LIDDS and wish her good luck in her new endeavors,” he continues.

Current CEO and CFO Jenni Björnulfson will assume a position in another company but will continue in her roles until 1 September to ensure a smooth transition to Mats Wiking.

Datum 2024-05-14, kl 17:10
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