Bulletin from extraordinary general meeting in Mashup Ireland AB on 16 October 2024


Mashup Ireland AB (the “Company”) held an extraordinary general meeting today, 16 October 2024, at the premises of Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå, Sveavägen 20 in Stockholm. The following main resolutions were passed with the required majority at the meeting.

Resolution to approve the share transfer regarding 53 percent of the shares in the Company’s subsidiaries (so-called Leo transaction)

The meeting resolved to approve the share transfer regarding 53 percent of the shares in the Company’s subsidiaries to John O’Connor (so-called Leo-transaction). The subsidiaries consist of Kollect on Demand (Ireland) Limited, BIGbin Waste Tech Limited and Kollect on Demand (UK) Limited (the “Subsidiaries”). The Company will retain 47 percent ownership of the Subsidiaries. John O’Connor is a board member and CEO of the Subsidiaries and was at the time of the conclusion of the share transfer agreement also a board member and CEO of the Company.

The purchase price amounts to EUR 925,000, approximately SEK 10,700,000. Additionally, the consideration for the sale transfer does also include 8 percent of the shares in the Irish SME, FSR Atlantic Limited (Adhdnow.com), which John O’Connor is co-founder and chairman of. The board’s internal estimate of this shareholding is EUR 165,000, approximately SEK 1,900,000.

Election of new members of the board of directors

The meeting resolved to elect Fearghal Power and Finbarr Hutcheson as new members of the board of directors. It is further noted that John O’Connor has requested to resign from the board of directors. Fearghal Power and Finbarr Hutcheson are independent in relation to major shareholders and in relation to the Company and its management. The board of directors thus consists of Andrew Byrne, Mary Dunphy, Fearghal Power, and Finbarr Hutcheson.

Datum 2024-10-16, kl 12:13
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