Klaria Interim Report Q3 2023


Summary of the Interim Report

Net sales of 0.6 MSEK (0.0 MSEK)

Other income amounted to 0.0 MSEK (0.0 MSEK)

Third quarter of 2023

- R&D costs for the period amounted to 7.4 MSEK (10.9 MSEK)

- Profit after tax amounted to -10.8 MSEK (16.1 MSEK) ∞ Earnings per share for the quarter amounted to -0.10 SEK (-0.27 SEK)

- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to -7.3 MSEK (-3.6 MSEK)

- Cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet date amounted to 2.3 MSEK (6.7 MSEK)

- Cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet date amounted to 50.7 MSEK (39.3 MSEK)

The period January–September 2023

- Net sales of 7.1 MSEK (3.7 MSEK)

- Other income amounted to 0.3 MSEK (0.4 MSEK)

- R&D costs for the period amounted to 23.0 MSEK (42.7 MSEK)

- Profit after tax amounted to -26.3 MSEK (-50.9 MSEK)

- Earnings per share for the quarter amounted to -0.27 SEK (-0.88 SEK)

- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to -18.6 MSEK (-39.1 MSEK)

Datum 2023-11-24, kl 14:30
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