New CEO to bring ScaffSense to the market

On May 15, 2024, the first pilot test of ScaffSense was concluded at a construction site in Stockholm. The test, which included a blind test of the system's core functionality, confirmed ScaffSense's potential as a groundbreaking service for preventing scaffolding collapses and enhancing safety at construction sites.

With the positive results from the pilot test, ScaffSense is entering the next phase, focusing on bringing the service to market. Collaborations with industry partners for further pilot tests and product adaptations ahead of the official launch are now the primary focus.

To lead ScaffSense through this crucial phase, Martin Elovsson has been recruited as the new CEO. Elovsson, formerly Head of Engineering at Volvo Construction Equipment, brings extensive experience in leading and developing high-performing teams and technical products in the construction and industrial sectors. His interest in ScaffSense was sparked during his time as a technical advisor for Kebni AB, one of ScaffSense's two parent companies.

“ScaffSense is an exciting and important service with the potential to set a completely new standard for safety and control at construction sites. I have followed the company for some time and am impressed by the dedicated team that has brought the product to where it is today. I am looking forward to continuing this work and spreading our vision of safe and intelligent scaffolding in Sweden and the rest of the world,” says Martin Elovsson.

Martin Elovsson will start his new role on June 1, 2024, succeeding Tobias Wreje-Larsson, who will continue his involvement with ScaffSense in his role as CEO of Solideq Group, ScaffSense AB's other parent company.

“I have had the privilege of leading ScaffSense during the initial phase, where the focus has been on development and preparations for the pilot test. With the first successful pilot behind us, we are increasing the pace, and it is time to hand over the torch. With his broad experience, technical expertise, and great commitment, Martin Elovsson is the right person to take ScaffSense to the market,” says Tobias Wreje-Larsson, outgoing CEO of ScaffSense.

About ScaffSense

ScaffSense is a joint venture between Kebni AB (publ) and Solideq Group AB.

Datum 2024-05-30, kl 06:30
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