Katalysen Ventures celebrates milestone partnership between portfolio company Meal Makers and Sodexo

In an effort to combat the alarming amount of food that goes to waste each day, Sodexo and Meal Makers have embarked on an innovative collaboration that marries technology with purpose. This collaboration will empower purchasers at Sodexo's restaurants by providing them access to Meal Makers' groundbreaking digital marketplace. Through this platform, Sodexo purchasers will gain insights into the inventories of various food producers. This transparency will allow them to identify surplus food items that might otherwise have been wasted due to reasons such as short shelf life or packaging imperfections.

"We have already saved several tons of food. In order to reach both our own and the UN's climate goals, the amount of food being unnecessarily discarded must be minimized immediately. Through this collaboration, we are participating in reducing waste that arises even outside of our own operations," says Magnus Holmegård, Food Procurement Manager at Sodexo Sweden and Denmark.

Historically, massive quantities of food have been discarded from food producers' inventories, contributing to the global issue of food waste. Meal Makers, with its unique hybrid model, serves as a digital intermediary that connects food producers with private and public kitchens. By offering the opportunity to purchase at-risk food directly from producers' inventories, Meal Makers effectively addresses this challenge and promotes a sustainable approach to food consumption.

Meal Makers' CEO and Co-founder, Christian Pettersson, expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, "We are excited to work alongside Sodexo and contribute to the reduction of food waste on a larger scale. By utilizing technology to connect producers and kitchens, we are transforming the way surplus food is valued and utilized."

For the original press release (in Swedish), visit: https://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/sodexo/pressreleases/sodexo-raeddar-mat-tillsammans-med-meal-makers-3268767

Datum 2023-08-28, kl 16:02
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