Increased number of shares and votes in Karnell Group AB (publ)


As of today, 30 April 2024, the number of shares in Karnell Group AB (publ) ("Karnell") amounts to 52,920,992, divided into 6,180,520 shares of class A and 46,740,472 shares of class B. The number of votes in Karnell amounts to 108,545,672 as of the same date.

The number of shares and votes in Karnell has increased during April as a result of the new issue of 1,249,999 shares of class B that Karnell carried out during April due to the exercise of the overallotment option that Karnell granted to Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB to cover overallotments in connection with the offering and listing of the company's shares of class B on Nasdaq Stockholm on 22 March 2024. In total, the number of shares has increased by 1,249,999 shares of class B and the number of votes has increased by 1,249,999.

For further information, please contact
Petter Moldenius
CEO of Karnell Group AB (publ), +46 8 545 891 00

Datum 2024-04-30, kl 13:30
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