The exercise price for the warrants of series TO3 in JonDeTech has been determined to SEK 2.95


JonDeTech Sensors AB (publ) (‘’JonDeTech’’ or the ‘’Company’’) completed a rights issue during the fourth quarter of 2023, consisting of shares and warrants of series TO2 and series TO3. The exercise price for the warrants of series TO3 has been determined to 70 percent of the volume-weighted average price in the Company’s share on Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the measurement period, which ran from and including September 17, 2024, up to and including September 30, 2024, however not higher than SEK 6.00 and not less than the quota value of the Company’s shares. During the measurement period, the volume-weighted average price in the Company’s share was approximately SEK 4.22, therefore, the exercise price for the warrants of series TO3 is SEK 2.95 per share. One hundred (100) warrants of series TO3 entitles the owner to subscribe for one (1) new share in the Company. The exercise period for warrants of series TO3 runs during the period from and including October 2, 2024, up to and including October 16, 2024.

If all the warrants of series TO3 are exercised, the Company will receive approximately SEK 26.7 million before issuing costs. For the warrants to not expire without value, it is required that the holder actively subscribes for new shares no later than October 16, 2024, or sell the warrants no later than October 11, 2024. Please observe that certain nominees might close their application earlier than October 16, 2024.

Summarized terms for the warrants of series TO3:
Exercise period: October 2, 2024 – October 16, 2024.

Exercise price: SEK 2.95 per share.

Issue size: 904,384,565 warrants of series TO3, which entitles to subscription of 9,043,845 shares. If all warrants are exercised, the Company will receive approximately SEK 26.7 million before issuing costs.

Last day for trading warrants of series TO3: October 11, 2024

Share capital and dilution: If all warrants are exercised the share capital will increase with SEK 4,974,114.75 from SEK 9,388,424.65 to SEK 14,362,539.40. If all warrants are exercised the number of shares and votes in the Company will increase with 9,043,845 shares, from 17,069,863 shares to 26,113,708 shares. In the event that all warrants of series TO3 are exercised, the dilution amounts to approximately 34.6 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company.

Please note that warrants that are not exercised no later than October 16, 2024, or sold no later than October 11, 2024, will expire without value. For warrants not to lose their value, the holder must actively subscribe for new shares or sell the warrants.

How warrants are exercised

Nominee-registered warrants (Custody account)
Subscription and payment by exercise of warrants shall be made in accordance with instructions from each nominee. Please contact your nominee for additional information.

Direct-registered warrants (Securities account)
No accounts for issuing nor any instructions regarding payments will be sent out. Subscriptions will be made through simultaneous payment in accordance with the instructions on the application form.
The warrants will then be replaced by interim shares awaiting registration at the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The application form including instructions for payment will be available at JonDeTech’s website,, and on Mangold Fondkommission AB’s website,

Mangold Fondkommission AB is financial adviser and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå is legal advisor for JonDeTech regarding the warrants.

For further information about JonDeTech, please contact:
Leif Borg, CEO JonDeTech
Tel: +46 73 810 93 10
E-post: leif.borg@jondetech

About JonDeTech
JonDeTech is a supplier of sensor technology. The company markets a portfolio of IR sensor elements based on proprietary nanotechnology and silicon MEMS. The nanoelements are extremely thin, built-in flexible plastic, and can be manufactured in high volumes at a low cost, which opens up for a variety of applications, such as temperature and heat flow measurements, presence detection, and gas detection. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Mangold is the company's Certified Adviser.

Read more at: or see how the IR sensor works at:

Datum 2024-10-01, kl 08:45
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