iZafe Group, in collaboration with Atea Sweden, has won a procurement potentially worth 42-52 MSEK.


iZafe Group AB ("iZafe Group") announces that, in partnership with Atea Sverige AB, they have been awarded a contract with Västra Götalandsregionen for the provision of iZafe's medication dispensers, Dosell. The contract covers 1,800 units, up to a maximum of 2,250 units, with an estimated value of 42–52 MSEK. The agreement is held by Atea Sverige AB.

The contract term is for two years, with the possibility of a further two-year extension, and the contract will be signed no earlier than after a period of 10 days, which is the time that must elapse after awarding, according to procurement regulations, before a contract can be signed.
This is merely a decision of award and is not legally binding until a contract has been entered into.

Datum 2023-10-12, kl 17:51
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