iZafe group has won procurement for pharmaceutical robots potentially worth SEK 5.5-13.8 million


iZafe Group AB ("iZafe Group") announces that it has been awarded a contract in a procurement with the Municipality of Helsingborg for the provision of iZafe's pharmaceutical dispensers, Dosell. The procurement includes 150-400 units, with an estimated value of SEK 5.5–13.8 million. The contract is owned by Dosell AB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of iZafe Group.

The contract period is two years with the possibility of an additional two-year extension, and the contract will be signed no earlier than 10 days after the award, the time required by procurement rules to elapse before a contract can be signed.
This is merely a decision of award and is not legally binding until a contract has been entered into.

Datum 2023-12-08, kl 14:45
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