iZafe Group has successfully completed the implementation of Dosell in Spain and ships first 30 units

iZafe Group AB ("iZafe Group") is pleased to announce the successful implementation of their medication robot, Dosell, in Spain. The company has now completed all necessary technical integrations and adjustments required to launch Dosell in the Spanish market after a series of successful integrations. These adaptations encompassed both technical refinements to the Dosell unit itself and the platform, as well as extensive developments and adjustments by our collaboration partner.

As a significant step forward, iZafe Group has now delivered the first 30 Dosell units to Ti-Medi to commence practical testing of the customer journey over the nexts months. This phase of the pilot program will contribute to ensuring a seamless launch and customer experience. Upon successful completion of the testing phase, commercial sales will commence after the turn of the year, in accordance with the previously communicated plan.
"We are thrilled to announce the successful delivery of our cutting-edge pharmaceutical robot, Dosell, to the thriving market of Spain. This marks a significant milestone in our mission to helping patients taking the right medication at the right time in yet another country. We are committed to providing innovative solutions that empower healthcare professionals and improve patient care. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, and we look forward to making a positive impact on the healthcare landscape in Spain and beyond." Says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group AB
"We're excited to announce a big change in our business model as we start focusing on serving individual consumers (B2C). This shift is a major milestone for us, and we know there's a lot of work to do. We're staying dedicated to working closely with our trusted pharmacy partners to make sure our pilot program gets the attention and resources it needs. We're confident that by leveraging our current partnerships and industry knowledge, this initiative will be a valuable learning experience. We're teaming up with iZafe to bring innovative solutions to the B2C market in the MDS industry." Rafa Tibau, CIO of Ti-Medi.

Datum 2023-09-20, kl 08:30
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