Helsingborg Municipality cancels procurement – iZafe Group ready for a new opportunity in January


iZafe Group AB ('iZafe Group') announces that the award decision, which was announced on December 8, 2023, where iZafe Group won the procurement with Helsingborg Municipality for the delivery of Dosell medication dispensers, has now led to the city choosing to cancel the process. This decision is motivated by identified shortcomings in the municipality's procurement documents.

The previous press release was published on December 8, 2023, announcing that iZafe Group had won the procurement with a potential value ranging from 5.5 to 13.8 million SEK for 150–400 Dosell medication dispensers. The award decision was not legally binding.
Despite the interruption, iZafe Group remains optimistic and looks forward to showcasing its expertise once the procurement is resumed.

"It is regrettable that the procurement has been interrupted, but we see this as an opportunity to improve and continue our positive dialogue with Helsingborg Municipality. We are ready to participate again when the procurement is expected to resume in January 2024," says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

Datum 2023-12-15, kl 14:20
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