ITAB Shop Concept
Changes in the number of shares and votes in ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ)
The number of shares outstanding in ITAB as of 31 May 2024 amounts to 219,420,533 shares, of which 215,020,533 ordinary shares with one vote each and 4,400,000 Class C shares with 1/10 of a vote each. The total number of votes in the Company amounts to 215,460,533 and the total number of votes in the Company excluding ITAB's own holding of 4,400,000 Class C shares amounts to 215,020,533.
Jönköping, 31 May 2023
ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ)
This information is such that ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 11:00 a.m. CEST on 31 May 2023.
This is in all respects a translation of the Swedish original press release. In the event of any discrepancies between this translation and the Swedish original, the latter shall prevail.
Datum | 2024-05-31, kl 11:00 |
Källa | Cision |