Inwido among Europe's climate leaders 2024

The Financial Times has compiled a list of Europe's 500 climate leaders 2024. Inwido earns a spot in the top half of the list and ends up in 11th place in the segment - Construction & Building materials. Among the almost 50 Swedish companies that make it onto the list, Inwido holds a nice 18th place.

"We are very happy about our position among Europe's climate leaders. For Inwido, climate work is assigned a high priority and we have set the goal of achieving net zero emissions in our operations and value chain by 2050. Our vision is to be a leader in sustainability in our industry, and this type of recognition shows that we are on the right track", says Fredrik Meuller, President and CEO of Inwido, and continues: "By offering responsibly produced and energy-efficient windows and doors, we enable people to live a sustainable lifestyle, at home and at work. This is our passion – improving life indoors."

Inwido's science-based targets were recently approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. Read more:  Inwido's science-based targets approved

Datum 2024-05-07, kl 09:00
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