Thomas Kidane and Yuriy Prilutskiy new members of Investor's Executive Leadership Team


Christian Cederholm, CEO and President of Investor AB, has appointed Thomas Kidane and Yuriy Prilutskiy, co-heads of Patricia Industries, to members of the Executive Leadership Team at Investor.

"I look forward to having Thomas and Yuriy on our leadership team. They have different experiences and personalities, and will contribute with valuable insights and perspectives", says Christian Cederholm, CEO and President of Investor AB.

Thomas Kidane joined Investor in 2009. He has been responsible for the investments in several listed and privately held portfolio companies and has led multiple add-on acquisitions. Thomas currently serves as a board member of Permobil and Piab. He has worked as Head of Corporate Development and M&A at Permobil and holds an M.Sc. in Accounting and Financial Management from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Yuriy Prilutskiy joined Investor in 2010. He has led and been responsible for multiple portfolio company investments and add-on acquisitions, and currently serves as a board member of Advanced Instruments, Laborie and Sarnova. Prior to joining Investor, Yuriy worked at JP Morgan and Bank of America where he focused on the biopharmaceutical industry. He holds a B.Sc., cum laude, in Finance and Economics with a minor concentration in Mathematics from the New York University Stern School of Business.

Datum 2024-05-08, kl 16:00
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