Investor to utilize mandate to transfer shares


The Annual General Meeting of Investor 2024 authorized the company's Board to resolve on the transfer of the company's own shares. The shares may be transferred in order to, among other things, secure the obligations and hedge the costs related to Investor's long-term variable remuneration program for employees and to the synthetic shares issued as part of the Board remuneration. Investor's Board has now decided to utilize the authorization for these purposes.

The transfer of own shares may take place on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period from and including May 8, 2024 up to the Annual General Meeting 2025 at a price within the price interval registered from time to time.

Investor currently owns 5,334,448 class B shares and the maximum number of shares that may be transferred amounts to 6,000,000 class B shares.

Datum 2024-05-07, kl 17:35
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