Integrum announces organizational changes and appoints Alex Winber as VP Sales and Marketing in the US

Integrum is currently conducting a review of the company organization worldwide. The appointment of Alex Winber will focus the US team's marketing and sales efforts on execution. In connection with the reorganization, Ian Dawson, VP Global Marketing, will leave the company. " I'd like to thank Ian for his contribution during his time at the company," says Rickard Brånemark, CEO of Integrum.

Alex Winber takes up the position of Vice President of U.S. Sales and Marketing at Integrum as of September 12. He has worked in medical device sales and marketing for 26-years. In his past positions, he has spearheaded the revitalization of an orthopaedic division at a public company, been integral to turnarounds with new product expansion, and supported acquisitions of three start-up companies.

"Alex is recognized throughout the industry as a top sales and marketing executive with an unmatched ability to recognize opportunities through data-driven decision-making and collaboration. We are thrilled to have Alex onboard and look forward to him joining the US leadership team" comments Jeffrey Zanni, President US of Integrum.

Datum 2023-09-11, kl 08:30
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