Idogen has been declared in bankruptcy



Idogen AB, 556756-8521, Scheelevägen 2, 223 81, Lund, has July 7 202 been declared in bankruptcy by the tribunal of Lund. Trustee in the bankruptcy is Jur.kand. Peter Öfverman, c/o

Ackordscentralen Syd , Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, SE- 211 19, Malmö, Sweden, telephone: 0046 10 151 60 50.

Further communication regarding the bankruptcy will be published in the official gazette ( Post och Inrikestidningar).



For further information, please contact:

Peter Öfverman, Ackordscentralen Syd

Tel: +46 10 151 60 50




The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out above on July 7, 2023, at 12:01 CET.


Certified Advisor:

Vator Securities AB


Idogen (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: IDOGEN) develops tolerogenic cell therapies to prevent the patient’s immune system from attacking biological agents, transplanted organs or the body's own cells or tissue. The company’s most advanced program, IDO 8 is designed to restore the efficacy of hemophilia drugs in patients who have developed neutralizing antibodies. For these hemophiliac patients, there is significant medical need for restoring the clinical effects of their treatment with factor VIII. This is a unique market positioning that over the long term could replace immune tolerance induction (ITI) treatments, with significant market potential. The planned IDO 8 clinical trial will validate the company’s technology platform and facilitate a range of other applications in fields such as organ transplants (IDO T) and autoimmune diseases (IDO AID). More information about Idogen is available via

Datum 2023-07-07, kl 12:01
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