Husqvarna Group issues its first green bond

With this transaction, Husqvarna Group extends its footprint in the Swedish bond market, and the proceeds will be exclusively allocated to investments in low-carbon products and solutions.

"The issuing of this green bond confirms the market confidence in Husqvarna Group's long-term competitiveness and in our sustainable value creation. The proceeds raised will support our investments in products and solutions contributing to a low-carbon economy", says Terry Burke, CFO at Husqvarna Group.

Husqvarna Group's Green Finance Framework enables the Company to issue green bonds and other green financing instruments. The proceeds will be exclusively allocated to investments in low-carbon products and solutions, green buildings, clean transportation, and renewable energy. The framework was developed in accordance with the Green Bond Principles (GBP) 2021 and the Green Loan Principles (GLP) 2023. Sustainalytics, a leading global provider of assessments related to green and sustainable financing, acted as second party opinion provider.

SEB acted as sole advisor on the establishment of the Green Finance Framework. Joint bookrunners were SEB, Danske Bank and Swedbank.

The Green Finance Framework and the second party opinion are available on Husqvarna Group's website.

Datum 2024-03-11, kl 07:30
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