Resolutions at the extraordinary general meeting of Hilbert Group AB (publ)


At the extraordinary general meeting of Hilbert Group AB (publ) (“Hilbert Group”) in Stockholm on 1 December 2023 (the “EGM”), the following was resolved.

Approval of a directed issue of shares

The EGM resolved to approve a directed issue of 325,380 B-shares to Hilbert Group’s CEO Niclas Sandström.

As previously announced this new issue is a part of a new issue of in total 3,687,638 B-shares at an issue price of SEK 4.61 per share. The first part (3,362,258 shares) was resolved by the Board of Directors on 13 November based on an authorization by the Annual General Meeting. The first part of the new issue has been registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

Following registration of this second part of the new issue, Hilbert Group’s share capital will amount to SEK 2,796,068.75 divided into in total 55,921,375 shares - 8,500,000 A-shares and 47,421,375 B-shares.

Election of board member

The EGM resolved to elect Tim Grant as new member of the board. Registration of Tim Grant as board member requires that Hilbert Group receives an exemption from the Swedish Companies Registration Office from the Swedish Companies Act's rules that at least half of the members of the Board of Directors must be resident in the EEA. Hilbert Group estimates that such exemption will be obtained before the end of the year.

For further information, please contact:

Niclas Sandström
CEO Hilbert Group AB
+46 (0)8 502 353 00

Datum 2023-12-01, kl 14:30
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