Hamlet Pharma Year-end Report July 2022 - June 2023


Opening remarks

The fiscal year 2022/2023 of Hamlet Pharma AB has been eventful and productive. Several highly strategic milestones have been reached. The company has continued the clinical trials and secured FDA approval for its IND including its preclinical portfolio, production technology and clinical development strategy. Funding has been secured by tight control of the budget, full funding from the European Commission after an evaluation, naming the company ‘’extraordinary’’, and success- ful fundraising, through warrants of series TO 4 B. Finally, Hamlet Pharma has completed a merger with SelectImmune Pharma forming Hamlet BioPharma, with a rich patent portfolio and project pipeline. Petter Segelman-Lindqvist, who has extensive experience of the pharmaceutical industry, has been appointed new CEO of Hamlet BioPharma and a new website has been launched.

FDA clearance for Alpha1H paves the way for future studies in bladder cancer treatment.
Hamlet Pharma’s ground breaking drug candidate Alpha1H received FDA clearance for the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. This milestone marks a new chapter in our mission to revolutionize cancer care. Working in close collab- oration with our US-based partner, Target Health LLC, we have received the FDA’s ‘Study May Proceed’ letter. This pivotal step sets the stage for the exploration of Alpha1H’s potential in treating NMIBC patients worldwide.

Our studies with Alpha1H have demonstrated an impressive combination of two factors: an absence of toxicity and a remarkable selectivity for cancer- ous cells. This dual quality results in the significant shedding of cancer cells within solid tumors and a reduction in tumor size. The implications are pro- found, suggesting a more effective and targeted approach to treating NMIBC.

Merger of Hamlet Pharma and SelectImmune Pharma creates Hamlet BioPharma
We have successfully completed the merger of Hamlet Pharma AB and SelectImmune Pharma AB and acquired the rights to a promising tuberculosis treatment project. The merge of the two listed companies on the Spotlight Stock Market, will create a powerful pharmaceutical company for drug development for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. Hamlet BioPharma’s portfolio includes ten projects, three of which are in Phase II trials, where two of the projects already have positive results in clinical studies and eleven patent families with more than 60 patents. SelectImmune shareholders receive 0.8 Hamlet Pharma shares for each SelectImmune share. More information can be found on our website, www.hamletpharma.com/fusion/.

Strategic Focus
We are excited about the future, as Hamlet BioPharma builds a focused commercial organi- zation. The larger listed company will become more powerful, attractive for partnering and cost- effective. In addition, the access to technology and university-based experts is granted including a global network of specialists. The FDA’s clearance of our IND application for Alpha1H is a testament to the competence of the organization and potential of our innovative therapies. We remain committed to our mission of advancing healthcare through innovation and thank our team for their dedication and investors for continued support into the future.

Catharina Svanborg

Chairman of the Board

Martin Erixon

CEO, Hamlet Pharma AB

Significant events during the fiscal year


On August 2nd, 2022, “Full speed ahead! – Hamlet Pharma adapts the clinical trial program for stand-alone use”. Hamlet Pharma highlights the development of the clinical protocol in bladder cancer with Alpha 1H. The company has decided to interrupt the combination study where Alpha1H was used together with a chemotherapy drug. There was no evidence of a therapeutic advantage and the patients experi- enced side effects, which were not seen with Alpha1H alone. It was also announced that Hamlet Pharma is taking one more step towards the design of the Phase III clinical trial protocol by adding a second treatment round after the com- pletion of the first round of treatment in the ongoing study. These decisions strengthen Hamlet Pharma’s position as a company developing drug candidates with a more beneficial profile than traditional chemotherapeutic drugs.

On August 9th, 2022, “Hamlet Pharma receives a new rapid approval in the Czech Republic”.
Hamlet Pharma announced the rapid approval of Hamlet Pharma’s application to amend the clinical trial of Alpha1H in bladder cancer by the Czech regulatory authorities. This im- portant new part of the ongoing study is now ready to start.

On September 29th, 2022, Hamlet Pharma presented at the Nordic Life Science Days, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology conference held in Malmö. The title of the presentation was “High precision cancer treatment with low side effects”.


On October 21st, 2022, Catharina Svanborg attended the 17th Annual Peptide Therapeutics Symposium held at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California and presented the Hamlet project to leaders in the field of peptide drug development. The title of the presentation was “A new approach to Cancer Therapy with Documented Clinical Effects”.

On October 26th, 2022, the shareholders of Hamlet Pharma AB, were invited to the annual general meeting held on November 24th, 2022 at 17.00 at the High Court Malmö.

On November 3rd, 2022, the annual report for the fiscal year 2021/2022 was published.

On November 11th, 2022, Hamlet Pharma published the Q1 Interim Report July 2022 – September 2022, which can be found on Hamlet Pharma’s website and Spotlight Stock Market’s website.

On November 25th, 2022, Hamlet Pharma published a Communiqué from the Annual General Meeting of

Hamlet Pharma AB held on November 24th in Malmö. The board was granted freedom from liability. Catharina Svanborg was elected chairman. It was decided that the board should consist of the chairman, Bill Hansson, Helena Lomberg and Ulla Trägårdh. All decisions were unanimous.

On November 30th, 2022, Hamlet Pharma hosted a digital investors’ meeting via video-link. The meeting was well attended and the discussion was lively. The presentation was recorded and the video is available on Hamlet Pharma’s website (https://hamletpharma.com/media-archive/).

On December 8th, 2022, an advertorial was published in The Guardian, highlighting the potential of the Alpha1H drug candidate for patients with bladder cancer. Hamlet Pharma was selected by The Guardian to participate in a major health supplement focusing on bladder cancer and colon cancer. Journalists from The Guardian wrote the piece, entitled “Successful new drug candidate for patients with bladder cancer – from discovery to the clinic”.


On January 31st, 2023, Hamlet Pharma filed a report sum- marizing the achievements made during the three years when the company received support through the Horizon 2020 grant (2.2 MEUR). The report of 76 pages highlighted the milestones reached by the company as outlined in the grant application.

On March 17th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma published the evalu- ation from the European Commission stating that “Hamlet Pharma’s Project has delivered exceptional results with sig- nificant immediate or potential impact.” Hamlet Pharma was awarded an EIC Accelerator grant of 2.2 M EURO in the high- ly competitive Horizon 2020 program. The EIC accelerator program supports individual small and medium enterprises, in particular startups and spin out companies, to develop and scale up game changing innovations.

The Commission further concluded: “The Project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period. Encouraging clinical data were produced. The treatment was also shown to be safe and no drug-related side effects were observed.’’

On March 31st, 2023, Hamlet Pharma and SelectImmune Pharma propose to merge to create an innovative pharma- ceutical company with a broad and strong portfolio of pro- jects for the treatment of cancer and infections.

The two pharmaceutical companies Hamlet Pharma AB and SelectImmune Pharma AB, listed on the Spotlight Stock Market, intend to merge and create a powerful pharmaceutical company for drug development for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. The merged company (Hamlet Biopharma) gets a portfolio with a total of ten pharmaceutical projects, of which three projects are in phase II, where two of the projects already have positive results in clinical stud- ies. The portfolio includes a total of eleven patent families for cancer, infections and tuberculosis with more than 60 patents. Hamlet Biopharma is now building a focused commercial organization with access to a technology platform and university-based scientists as well as an extensive network of international specialists for drug development and clinical studies. A larger listed company will become more cost- effective and attract talents to the company as well as to the network. Hamlet Biopharma has secured funding for at least twelve months.

The Merger is subject to, inter alia, approvals by the extraordi- nary general meetings of the two companies. As merger consideration, shareholders in SelectImmune will receive
0.8 shares in Hamlet Pharma for each share in SelectImmune, for each class of shares.

Furthermore, Hamlet Biopharma has entered into an agree- ment with Linnane Pharma AB regarding the acquisition of the company that owns rights to a project for the treatment of tuberculosis.

  • Through the Acquisition and the Merger, a combined pow- erful company is created with a broad portfolio of pharma- ceutical projects for the treatment and prevention of cancer and infectious diseases.

  • The Acquisition entails that Hamlet Biopharma obtains the rights to patents and access to developed know-how to commercialize the tuberculosis project.

  • Overall, the Board of Directors consider that there are clear logical and rational reasons for the Merger and the Acquisi- tion as the businesses complement each other well. The Board of Directors thus assess that the Merger and Acquisi- tion are beneficial for Hamlet Pharma’s and SelectImmune’s shareholders.

Through the Merger and Acquisition of Linnane Projects AB (“Linnane Projects”), the various sub-projects are established in an organization that can effectively drive them further towards market approval within important clinical indications. This in- cludes the most advanced pharmaceutical projects within the respective companies: Alpha1H for the treatment of bladder cancer, which is in clinical phase II, and Kineret® for the treat- ment of acute cystitis and bladder pain syndrome, which is in phase II. Furthermore, the Companies see a great potential for synergies in the form of strengthened know-how and commercial potential. Read more on our website at: (https://hamletpharma.com/news).

On March 31st, 2023, Hamlet Pharma & SelectImmune Pharma published invitations to digital investors meetings to be held April 3rd and April 4th at 12.00 CET.


On April 3rd and April 4th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma hosted a digital investors’ meetings. The meetings were well attended and the discussions were lively. The presentation from April 4th, was recorded and the video is available on Hamlet Pharma’s website (https://hamletpharma.com/media-archive).

On April 6th, 2023, the shareholders of Hamlet Pharma AB, were invited to an extraordinary general meeting in Hamlet Pharma AB (publ), Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 at 14:00 at High Court in Malmö. Shareholders who were recorded in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on the record date of Tuesday, May 9th, 2023, and had notified their attendance and potential advisors to the Company not later than Thursday, May 11th 2023, had the right to participate in the meeting and vote on the proposed resolu- tions by the board in Hamlet Pharma: 1) Resolution regard- ing approval of Hamlet Pharma’s acquisition of Linnane Projects AB, 2) Resolution regarding approval of collabora- tion agreement between Hamlet Pharma and Linnane Pharma and 3) Resolution regarding issue of merger consideration.

On April 14th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma announced that the company achieves full funding from the European Commis- sion and concluded that Hamlet Pharma’s bladder cancer project has delivered exceptional results with immediate or potential impact. The company was commended by the European Commission for the progress made during the receipt of the EU Horizon 2020 grant in the EIC Accelerator program. The European Commission concluded that the project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period.

On May 17th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma AB (publ): Commu- niqué from the extraordinary general meeting of Hamlet Pharma AB.

An extraordinary general meeting was held by Hamlet Pharma AB (corporate no. 556568-8958) on May 17th, 2023. The decisions are summarized below. For more detailed infor- mation, please refer to the documents and information availa- ble on the Company’s website www.hamletpharma.com.

Decision to approve the proposed merger of Hamlet Pharma and SelectImmune Pharma

The general assembly decided to approve the merger jointly proposed by the boards of Hamlet Pharma AB and Select- Immune Pharma AB on March 31st, 2023. The planned merger was registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office on April 4th, 2023 and announced in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar on April 6th, 2023.

According to the merger plan, the merger shall be by absorption with Hamlet Pharma as the acquiring company and SelectImmune as the transferring company. The pro- posed exchange ratio for the merger has been determined such that one A share in SelectImmune entitles the holder to 0.8 A shares in Hamlet Pharma and one B share in SelectImmune entitles the holder to 0.8 B shares in Hamlet Pharma.

The merger is expected to be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office in the third quarter of 2023, and will result in the dissolution of SelectImmune, whereby all of SelectImmune’s assets and liabilities will pass to Hamlet BioPharma. Accounting for the Merger Fee will be the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

On May 17th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma communicated the subscription price for the exercise of warrants series TO 4 B in Hamlet Pharma AB (Publ) set to SEK 2.32 per share.

On May 22nd, 2023, Hamlet Pharma introduced Hamlet BioPharma to investors and launched a new website, providing a first overview of the new company including recent transactions and the main projects. Website: www.hamletbiopharma.com.

On May 26th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma published the Q3 Interim Report April 2023 – June 2023, which can be found on Hamlet Pharma’s website and Spotlight Stock Market’s website.

On May 31st, 2023, Hamlet Pharma published the comple- tion of a new Alpha1H production batch for continued clinical trials needed moving forward, as the clinical trial program for bladder cancer is expanding to involve larger patient numbers.

On June 2nd, 2023, Hamlet Pharma published the sub- scription results of warrants of series TO 4 B. The warrants were subscribed at approximately 38% and Hamlet Pharma AB received approximately SEK 3.5 million.

On June 9th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma, soon to be Hamlet BioPharma, published an invitation to “Aktiespararnas Capital Market Day” in Stockholm June 12th, where the founder and Chairman, Catharina Svanborg, presented the new company.

On June 12th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma announced that the company has extended and expanded the agreement with the Swiss public company Polypeptide Group, ticker PPGN, to produce larger quantities of the synthetic peptide Alpha1 to secure long-term Alpha1 peptide production in an agree- ment with Polypeptide Group.

On June 30th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma announced the recruitment of Petter Segelman-Lindqvist as new CEO of Hamlet BioPharma, starting 1st of October 2023.

Significant events after the fourth quarter

On July 1st, 2023, Hamlet Pharma received FDA Clearance Of IND Application For Alpha1H For The Treatment Of Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared its Investigational New Drug (IND) application for Alpha1H, a highly selective synthetic peptide for treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Working closely with their US based partner, Target Health LLC, a New Jersey-based, full-service CRO, the FDA’s ‘Study May Proceed’ letter begins a hopeful new chapter for the treatment of NMIBC patients globally. Studies with Alpha1H show a combination of a lack of toxicity with a high selectivity for cancerous cells, resulting in massive cell shedding in solid tumors.

On July 11th, 2023, the shareholders of Hamlet Pharma were invited to an extraordinary general meeting in Hamlet Pharma AB on August 11th, 2023 in Malmö.

On August 4th, 2023, Hamlet Pharma announced that the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) is- sued a permission for the merge between Hamlet Pharma AB (publ) and SelectImmune Pharma AB (publ).

On August 11th, 2023, the company published a Commu- niqué from the extraordinary general meeting of Hamlet Pharma AB august 11th, 2023 in Malmö. The general assem- bly approved the board’s proposal for: • Amendment of the company’s articles of association, included a proposal to change the company ́s name from Hamlet Pharma AB to Hamlet BioPharma AB • Determination of the number of board members, board deputies and their fees. • Election of the board members. • Authorization for the board to make decisions on issue. More details to be found on our website: www.hamletpharma.com/news.

On August 18th, 2023, the Swedish Companies Registra- tion Office approved the company’s application of chang- ing the company name from Hamlet Pharma AB (publ) to Hamlet BioPharma AB (publ), which was voted through at the extraordinary general meeting held on August 11th, 2023 in Malmö. Share name will be Hamlet BioPharma B, short name (Hamlet B) and ISIN are unchanged. The FISN code is changed to HAMLETBIOP/SH B. The company’s share will be traded under the new name from August 24th, 2023.

The period in summary


  • Net sales totaled KSEK 0 (0)
  • Other operating income totaled KSEK 2,421 (241)
  • Loss before tax amounted to KSEK -3,129 (-7,851)
  • Loss after tax amounted to KSEK -3,129 (-7,851)
  • Loss per share* was SEK -0.0279 (-0.0710)

FULL YEAR, JUL 1, 2022-JUN 30, 2023 (THE GROUP)

  •  Net sales totaled KSEK 0 (0)

  • Other operating income totaled KSEK 2,421 (9,979)

  • Loss before tax amounted to KSEK -20,441 (-17,197)

  • Loss after tax amounted to KSEK -20,441 (-17,197)

  •  Loss per share* was SEK -0.1824 (-0.1556)

  • On June 30th, 2023, the equity/assets ratio** was 73,5 (91,1) %


  • Net sales totaled KSEK 0 (0)
  • Other operating income totaled KSEK 2,421 (241)
  • Loss before tax amounted to KSEK -2,631 (-7,851)
  • Loss after tax amounted to KSEK -2,631 (-7,851)
  • Loss per share* was SEK -0.0235 (-0.0710)

FULL YEAR, JUL 1, 2022-JUN 30, 2023

  • Net sales totaled KSEK 0 (0)
  • Other operating income totaled KSEK 2,421 (9,979)
  • Loss before tax amounted to KSEK -19,943 (-17,197)
  • Loss after tax amounted to KSEK -19,943 (-17,197)
  • Loss per share* was SEK -0.1780 (-0.1556)
  • On June 30th, 2023, the equity/assets ratio** was 74,0 (91,1) %

Amounts in parentheses above and below indicate the corresponding value in the preceding year.

* Profit/loss after tax for the period divided by 112,038,988 (110,529,666). The comparative figure in parentheses was the number of shares on June 30th, 2022.

** Equity divided by total capital.

Revenue and earnings

Hamlet Pharma’s net sales amounted to KSEK 0 (0) during the full year, and to KSEK 0 (0) during the fourth quarter. Other operating income amounted to KSEK 2,421 (9,979) during the full year, and to KSEK 2,421 (241) during the fourth quarter. Read more in the section “Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator Fund” below. Costs were related to the continued R&D activities of the research team at Lund University. The team at Lund University is also responsible for the development of manufacturing methods, stability testing and chemical and functional characterization of existing and new drug substances and plays a key role in the coordination of labora- tory testing in the clinical trials. Costs were also related to manu- facturing of the Alpha1H drug candidate, for use in ongoing and forthcoming clinical trials.

Loss before tax for the parent company for the full year was KSEK -19,943 (-17,197). Loss before tax for the fourth quarter was KSEK -2,631 (-7,851).

Loss before tax for the group for the full year was KSEK -20,441 (-17,197). Loss before tax for the fourth quarter was KSEK -3,129 (-7,851).

Financial position

The financial situation of Hamlet Pharma is under control. On May 31st, 2023, the exercise period of warrants in series TO 4 B, which were issued in 2021, ended. The company received SEK 3.5 million after issue costs of SEK 0.2 million.

At the end of the fourth quarter, the equity/assets ratio was 74,0 (91,1) %, and the Company’s cash and cash equivalents were KSEK 18,368 (39,612).

The company assesses that there will be a need to raise capital during the next financial year in order to secure continued operations.

Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator Fund

In March 2020 Hamlet Pharma was awarded a grant of 2.2 MEUR (approx. 22.4 MSEK) of which 252 KEUR belongs to Linnane Pharma from the EU’s prestigious Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator Fund. The funds have been paid incrementally during the project’s duration. The first payment of 12.6 MSEK was received in July 2020, and the second payment of 6.7 MSEK in July 2021. A final payment of SEK 3.7 million was received in May 2023. Grants received from Horizon 2020 have been reported as other income.


No intangible assets were capitalized during the period since the Company is in an R&D stage. R&D costs are therefore recognized as operating expenses in the income statement. No new invest- ments in tangible assets were capitalized during the quarter.

On March 31, Hamlet Pharma acquired all shares in Linnane Projects AB from Linnane Pharma AB, and its patents regarding TBC. The transfer price was KSEK 10,000. In the parent company, the holding is capitalized as a financial fixed asset of KSEK 10,000. In the group, the holding is capitalized as an intangible fixed asset of KSEK 9,975 (after deduction of the share capital of KSEK 25).


During the quarter, depreciation of equipment amounted to KSEK 0 (0), and during the first nine months, depreciation of equipment amounted to KSEK 0 (9).

In the group, patents amortization amounted to KSEK 499 (0) during the quarter and KSEK 499 (0) during the entire financial year.


The company had the equivalent of 4,75 full-time employees during the quarter.

The share

The Company’s shares have been traded on Spotlight Stock Market since October 23rd, 2015. Spotlight Stock Market is the secondary name of ATS Finans AB, a securities company under the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s supervision.

At the extraordinary general meeting in Hamlet Pharma AB on March 2, 2021, it was decided that the company’s common shares would undergo a split with relation 3:1 and would be reclassified as A- and B-shares. The B-shares will be traded on Spotlight Stock Market. The A-shares will not be listed. Each A-share entitles to ten votes and B-shares entitles to one vote. Furthermore, it is possible for shareholders to convert A-shares to B-shares, which can be traded on Spotlight Stock Market. This conversion program is on- going with no current deadline. This means that the ratio between A- and B-shares will change over time.

As of December 31st, 2022, the number of shares registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) totaled 112,038,988. As of July 20th, 2023, the registered current ratio of shares was 38,445,780 A-shares and 73,593,208 B-shares.

Subscription warrants

The company had no outstanding warrants as of June 30th, 2023.

Transactions with related parties

During the quarter, KSEK 630 (480) was paid to Linnane Pharma AB, of which KSEK 105 (105) refers to consulting fees and KSEK 525 (375) refers to the technology platform.

During the full year, KSEK 2,320 (1,920) was paid to Linnane Pharma AB, of which KSEK 420 (420) refers to consulting fees and KSEK 1,900 (1,500) refers to the technology platform. Furthermore, con- sulting fees of KSEK 0 (360) was paid to Fridsbo Pharma AB (Mats Persson), and consulting fees of KSEK 0 (27) was paid to Ventac Partners AB (Lars Hedby).

The fee for Linnane Pharma’s technology platform was increased from KSEK 125 to KSEK 175 per month from November 2022, due to the general increase in supplier costs, to maintain technology and secure access to expertise. The consulting fees to Linnane Pharma refers to compensation for central administrative services including HR and ongoing personnel administration. The consult- ing fees to Fridsbo Pharma refers to work with the clinical trial pro- gram. The consulting fee to Ventac Partners AB refers to work with the future strategy for the lead candidate drug Alpha1H.

Furthermore, salaries and allowances to board and management were paid during the period. Transactions with related parties is on market terms.

Significant risks and uncertainties

The Board’s assessment of significant risks and uncertainties is unchanged compared with the most recent financial year and is described in the most recently published annual report (2022-06-30).

Basis of preparation for the interim report

The Company prepares its accounts in accordance with the Swed- ish Annual Accounts Act and the K3 framework (BFNAR 2012:1) of the Swedish Accounting Standards Board.

The company’s accounting principles are unchanged compared with most recent financial year and are described in the most recent published annual report (2022-06-30).


This interim report has not been audited.

General meeting and annual report

  • The general meeting for 2022/2023 is planned to be held at High Court, Malmö on November 23rd 2023.

  • The annual report will be available at the company’s office, Klinikgatan 32 in Lund for the shareholders three weeks before the meeting. The documents are then also published on the com- pany’s website (www.hamletpharma.com) and are then sent to the shareholders who request it and state their postal address.

  • The board proposes that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2022/2023.

Financial calendar

Annual Report for 2022/2023
Interim report for Q1, 2023/2024 Annual General Meeting for 2022/2023
November 2nd, 2023 November 17th, 2023 November 23rd, 2023

Income statement: The Parent Company

2023-04-01 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 2021-07-01
(SEK) 2023-06-30 2022-06-30 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Net sales 0 0 0 0
Other operating income 2 421 102 241 056 2 421 102 9 979 223
Operating income 2 421 102 241 056 2 421 102 9 979 223
Other external costs -3 634 063 -6 808 035 -15 943 290 -22 373 899
Employee benefit expenses -1 405 076 -1 268 558 -6 483 398 -4 685 474
Depreciation of tangible assets 0 0 0 -9 000
Other operating expenses -12 143 -15 170 -34 384 -31 911
Operating loss -2 630 179 -7 850 707 -20 039 969 -17 121 061
Financial items -447 -218 97 365 -75 682
Loss before tax -2 630 626 -7 850 925 -19 942 604 -17 196 743
Tax on loss for the period 0 0 0 0
Loss after tax -2 630 626 -7 850 925 -19 942 604 -17 196 743

Balance sheet : The Parent Company

Assets, SEK 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 0 0
Financial assets 10 000 000 0
Total fixed assets 10 000 000 0
Current assets
Other receivables 489 695 847 046
Prepaid expenses 131 537 1 272 376
Cash and bank balances/financial investments 18 367 855 39 612 384
Total current assets 18 989 087 41 731 807
Total assets 28 989 087 41 731 807
Equity & Liabilities, SEK 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Restricted equity
Share capital 1 120 390 1 105 297
Statutory reserve 20 000 20 000
Total restricted equity 1 140 390 1 125 297
Non-restricted equity
Share premium reserve 140 561 955 137 207 862
Retained earnings -100 319 228 -83 122 485
Loss for the period -19 942 604 -17 196 743
Total non-restricted equity 20 300 123 36 888 635
Total equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders Total equity 21 440 513 38 013 932
Non-current liabilities
Liabilities to group companies 5 000 000 0
Total non-current liabilities 5 000 000 0
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 133 017 1 722 370
Tax liabilities 98 264 31 991
Other liabilities 186 017 138 581
Accrued expenses 2 131 276 1 824 933
Total current liabilities 2 548 574 3 717 876
Total Equity & Liabilities 28 989 087 41 731 807

Cash flow statement : The Parent Company

2022-07-01 2021-07-01
(SEK) 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Operating activities
Loss after financial items -19 942 604 -17 196 743
Adjusted for non-cash items, etc. 0 9 000
Cash flow from operating activities
before changes in working capital -19 942 604 -17 187 743
Cash flow from changes in working capital
Change in current receivables 1 498 191 3 143 358
Change in current liabilities -1 169 302 -6 272 371
Cash flow from operating activities -19 613 715 -20 316 756
Investing activities
Acquisition of tangible assets 0 0
Acquisition of financial assets -10 000 000 0
Cash flow from investing activities -10 000 000 0
Financing activities
Rights issue 3 501 627 56 117 072
Issuance costs -132 441 -3 660 969
Borrowings 5 000 000 0
Cash flow from financing activities 8 369 186 52 456 103
Cash flow for the period -21 244 529 32 139 347

Equity: The Parent Company

Equity (SEK) Share capital Statutory reserve Share premium reserve Retained earnings Loss
for the period
Opening balance July 1, 2022 1 105 297 20 000 137 207 862 -83 122 485 -17 196 743 38 013 931
Transfer of prior year’s loss -17 196 743 17 196 743 0
Loss for the period, Q1 -5 618 158 -5 618 158
Loss for the period, Q2 -6 213 260 -6 213 260
Loss for the period, Q3 -2 630 626 -5 480 560
Loss for the period, Q4 -2 630 626
Share subscription TO 4 15 093 3 354 093 -19 942 604 3 369 186
Equity June 30, 2023 1 120 390 20 000 140 561 955 -100 319 228 -19 942 604 21 440 514

Aquisition of new peptide-based treatment of tuberculosis

On March 31, 2023, Hamlet Pharma acquired Linnane Projects AB from Linnane Pharma AB and the patents nd know-how regarding a new peptide-based drug against tuberculosis as well as the know-how required to develop the project. In accordance with Spotlight's regulations, consolidated accounts of Linnane Pharma projects and Hamlet Pharma are drawn up. The quarterly report is prepared with the parent company's accounting in focus, as Linnane project has remaining. In texts, the group is only commented on if something differs significantly from the parent company.

Income statement : The Group

2023-04-01 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 2021-07-01
(SEK) 2023-06-30 2022-06-30 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Net sales 0 0 0 0
Other operating income 2 421 102 241 056 2 421 102 9 979 223
Operating income 2 421 102 241 056 2 421 102 9 979 223
Other external costs -3 634 063 -6 808 035 -15 943 290 -22 373 899
Employee benefit expenses -1 405 076 -1 268 558 -6 483 398 -4 685 474
Depreciation of tangible assets -498 750 0 -498 750 -9 000
Other operating expenses -12 143 -15 170 -34 384 -31 911
Operating loss -3 128 929 -7 850 707 -20 538 719 -17 121 061
Financial items -447 -218 97 365 -75 682
Loss before tax -3 129 376 -7 850 925 -20 441 354 -17 196 743
Tax on loss for the period 0 0 0 0
Loss after tax -3 129 376 -7 850 925 -20 441 354 -17 196 743
Attributable to
The parent company's shareholders -3 129 376 -7 850 925 -20 441 354 -17 196 743
Holdings without controlling influence 0 0 0 0

Balance sheet : The Group

Assets, SEK 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 9 476 250 0
Tangible assets 0 0
Financial assets 0 0
Total fixed assets 9 476 250 0
Current assets
Other receivables 489 695 847 046
Prepaid expenses 131 537 1 272 376
Cash and bank balances/financial investments 18 392 855 39 612 384
Total current assets 19 014 087 41 731 807
Total assets 28 490 337 41 731 807
Equity & Liabilities, SEK 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Share capital 1 120 390 1 105 297
Other contributed capital 140 581 955 137 227 862
Other equity including profit for the period -120 760 582 -100 319 228
Total equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders 20 941 763 38 013 932
Holdings without controlling influence 0 0
Total equity 20 941 763 38 013 932
Non-current liabilities
Liabilities to group companies 5 000 000 0
Total non-current liabilities 5 000 000 0
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 133 017 1 722 370
Tax liabilities 98 264 31 991
Other liabilities 186 017 138 581
Accrued expenses 2 131 276 1 824 933
Total current liabilities 2 548 574 3 717 876
Total Equity & Liabilities 28 490 337 41 731 807

Cash flow statement : The Group

2022-07-01 2021-07-01
(SEK) 2023-06-30 2022-06-30
Operating activities
Loss after financial items -20 441 354 -17 196 743
Adjusted for non-cash items, etc. 498 750 9 000
Cash flow from operating activities
before changes in working capital -19 942 604 -17 187 743
Cash flow from changes in working capital
Change in current receivables 1 498 191 3 143 358
Change in current liabilities -1 169 302 -6 272 371
Cash flow from operating activities -19 613 715 -20 316 756
Investing activities
Acquisition of intangible assets -9 975 000 0
Acquisition of tangible assets 0 0
Acquisition of financial assets 0 0
Cash flow from investing activities -9 975 000 0
Financing activities
Rights issue 3 501 627 56 117 072
Issuance costs -132 441 -3 660 969
Borrowings 5 000 000 0
Cash flow from financing activities 8 369 186 52 456 103
Cash flow for the period -21 219 529 32 139 347
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 39 612 384 7 473 038
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 18 392 855 39 612 384

Equity: The Group

Equity (SEK) Share capital Other contributed capital Other equity incl profit for the period Total
Opening balance July 1, 2022 1 105 297 137 227 862 -100 319 228 38 013 931
Transfer of prior year’s loss 0 0
Loss for the period, Q1 -5 618 158 -5 618 158
Loss for the period, Q2 -6 213 260 -6 213 260
Loss for the period, Q3 -5 480 560 -5 480 560
Loss for the period, Q4 -3 129 376 -3 129 376
Share subscription TO 4 15 093 3 304 093 3 319 186
Equity June 30, 2023 1 120 390 140 531 955 -120 760 582 20 891 763

The Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer assure that the interim report provides a true and fair view of the Company's operations, position, and results.

Malmö, August 28, 2023

         Catharina Svanborg                                                         Magnus Nylén       

         Chairman of the Board                                                     Board member

         Helena Lomberg                                                              Carl-Johan Wachtmeister

         Board member                                                                 Board member      

         Ulla Trägårdh                                                                   Bill Hansson

         Board member                                                                 Board member

         Martin Erixon


For further information:

Hamlet Pharma AB

Catharina Svanborg, Professor, MD
Tel: +46 (0)40-12 25 05
E-mail: catharina.svanborg@hamletpharma.com

Martin Erixon, CEO
Tel: +46 (0)73-300 43 77
E-mail: martin.erixon@hamletpharma.com

Datum 2023-08-28, kl 09:00
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