Hamlet BioPharma will be presenting at Aktiedagen, Aktiespararna, on Monday, October 9th, in Lund at 12:10 CET



Hamlet BioPharma is inviting you to join a presentation at Aktiedagen, Aktiespararna, on Monday October 9th at 12.10 CET, Elite Hotel Ideon, Lund. The company´s strong and innovative projects portfolio will be presented as well as the clinical trials of our cancer and infection therapies. We will also introduce our new CEO, Petter Segelman Lindqvist. 

We welcome shareholders, investors and interested parties to join.

The presentation will be held in Swedish with the presentation slides in English and is free of charge if you are pre-registered at aktiespararna.se.


Use this link for more information and to join the presentation:




For further information, please contact:


Catharina Svanborg, Chairman and Founder of Hamlet BioPharma, +46-709 42 65 49



Petter Segelman Lindqvist, CEO of Hamlet BioPharma


Datum 2023-10-05, kl 11:02
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