Gränges’ Nomination Committee appointed


The Nomination Committee for Gränges’ Annual General Meeting 2025 has been appointed. The Nomination Committee shall consist of representatives from the three largest shareholders and the Chairman of the Board.

As of August 31, 2024, Gränges’ three largest shareholders were The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4), Swedbank Robur funds, and AFA Insurance, which have been invited to nominate candidates for the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025 has the following members:

  • Jannis Kitsakis (AP4)
  • Jan Dworsky (Swedbank Robur funds)
  • Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance)
  • Fredrik Arp (Chairman of the Board of Gränges)

The Chairman of the Nomination Committee is Jannis Kitsakis.

The Nomination Committee represents Gränges’ shareholders. It proposes to the Annual General Meeting nominations for Chairman of the Board, members of the Board, auditor and auditor’s fees, Chairman of the Annual General Meeting, as well as fees for Board and committee work.

Shareholders who have proposals relating to the work of the Nomination Committee should submit these to To enable the Nomination Committee to examine proposals received with sufficient care, these should be submitted no later than January 31, 2025.

Gränges’ 2025 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday May 12, 2025 at 15.30 CEST in Stockholm.

Datum 2024-09-19, kl 08:00
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